June | 2014

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Communicator Awards

Communicator Awards

An award of Excellence for the PIXMA PRO Product Brochure and an Award of Distinction for our holiday Infographic Mouse Pad.

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It’s all About Content

Content Marketing
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We have all heard that “great” digital content is essential to building a brand. And if you don’t believe it check out this article for CMO by Adobe. In the last few years, JDA has been hired to develop more and more on-line content that can be used in emails, websites and across all social media. In fact, most brands today consider themselves to be “content publishers” and have digital content corporate initiatives.


Check out the recent content we’ve created for our clients below.

Targus Privacy Screen
Targus Privacy Screen
Click to view videos

Targus Sales and Instructional Videos

Targus came to JDA in need of videos to showcase how to use their privacy screens as well as a feature and benefit videos. They needed the project completed turnkey which would include voice-over, script writing, filming, and editing the final product.


Toshiba VoIP Infographics

Toshiba is highlighting VoIP and Cloud VoIP. What better way to explain the technology than infographics? These were shared through all social media platforms and given to dealers to use in their social media and dealer websites.

Toshiba InfographicsToshiba InfographicsToshiba Infographics
Click to View Infographics

Toshiba Mobility Vignette

Toshiba Telecom Mobility
Click to View Video

Toshiba needed a video highlighting their mobile application for their phones. They also wanted to share the video with their dealer base to use on their websites and other marketing initiatives.

SiriusXM InfographicSiriusXM Infographic
  Click to View Infographics

SiriusXM Dealer Infographic

SiriusXM wanted a simple and graphic way to communicate the SirusXM subscription program to pre-owned vehicle dealers. The first email described the benefit of signing up for the program and the second email communicated how easy it is to sign customers up for the SiriusXM service:

Microsites—If you build it they will come—NOT!

Traditional microsites require banner ads or links that lure customers away from Dealer websites—which annoys users and dealers alike.

SYNQY delivers your content within a Syndicated Modal Window!

Toshiba Authorized Dealer SYNQY
Click to view SYNQY examples

JDA designed a microsite for Toshiba that Authorized Dealers were required to have on their public sites. Once we found out about SYNQY we realized this technology would be a much better vehicle to manage and execute.

Benefits of a SYNQY vs. Microsite:

  • When a SYNQY is opened the visitor stays on the dealer site.
  • It was easy for the dealer to implement. There were clear step-by-step instructions provided as well as a webinar. Then, SYNQY reached out to each individual dealer and either placed the SYNQY for him or her or walked them through each step.
  • JDA hosts and manages all the content so when a change is needed JDA makes the change and it updates each dealer’s site automatically.

Now that the program has been executed we have the following statistics:

  • Over 80% of the target dealers now have a SYNQY.
  • There have been 1,000 new brand engagements, representing over 7,000 minutes of engagement (which is around 114 HOURS!) in less than 60 days.
  • This is an engagement rate of over 7% (which is 70x higher than a traditional display ad).

During this process we discovered the following to be best practices for execution, which we are passing along to our other clients taking advantage of the SYNQY Technology:

  • The more relevant the graphic, the better the engagement rate. For example, product shots that say learn more do better than logos that say learn more.
  • Images that show up "above the fold" (meaning the user doesn’t scroll down to find it) do substantially better. The reason is clear. The average online shopper only scrolls down the page about 20% of the time. So, any SYNQYs shown at the bottom of the page will be missed by most users.
  • SYNQYs that are put in context—say within text that is talking about the brand and/or the product, perform substantially better because the “ad” side of the page is now invisible to shoppers. This is called “banner blindness.” Eye tracking studies prove that consumers literally don’t see these ads at all.

So, to summarize the best practices—use product-specific SYNQYs that tell your product story. Ask your dealers to put them in the top half of the page, and embed them within the text about that product (left justified works great). Have SYNQY install the solution on the dealer websites for faster adoption and improved experience and results.

JDA, Inc. Retail Ready Design™
444 W. Ocean Boulevard, Suite 1600, Long Beach, California 90802 Tel: 562.420.3000 Fax: 562.429.3000
eMail us at: info@jdainc.com

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